Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why We Itch

Something we do everyday, or every minute, is itching. It is such a common thing in life, but you ask most people, and they won't be able to tell you why they do it or what itching does for you. Well it feels real good, and now scientists may know why. Apparently itching shuts off the areas in the brain associated with unpleasant feelings and memories. I want to learn more about this because it is such a common thing that most people know nothing about. 

If you want any other information please visit the link list

I Visited These Blogs

I visited Ben's, Ro's, Reiss', and Ashley's blogs

My favorite blog was (of course) Ben's. My favorite topic is sub atomic particles. I like to think of all the crazy things possible with atoms. how just a single proton, a neutron or 2, and an electron can completely change an item. It can change the look, the feel, the taste, and the melting/freezing/boiling points. Also how everything we see is made of billions or trillions or more atoms. I guess I'm trying to say that the littlest things in the world can make changes on the largest scale, which is very cool.

Monday, February 4, 2008

How Plastic Bottles May Harm You

I found interesting sites about
- Itching
- Cancer and Down Syndrome
- Cell Phone Batteries
- Chameleon Colors
- Grapefruits
- Cloned Animals
- Plastic Bottles

In recent studies it was found that Bisphenol A (BPA) can be released from plastic bottles like your everyday Nalgene or your throw away bottles. Now you may wonder; What's BPA??? BPA is a man-made chemical classified as an endocrine disruptor, which mess with your body's natural hormones. This chemical has been shown to harm the reproduction and the brain function of animals, and there is a large amount of evidence that it may effect humans also. The BPA is released rapidly from the plastic when boiled or heated extremely, and its also released slowly during normal everyday usage. the release of the BPA is also not affected by the age of the bottle, new and old work the same. After reading up on this discovery i may be drinking from metal or glass bottles much more often.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blog 2

In our modern world, chemistry rules everything around us. I am shocked whenever i begin to think about all the atoms, chemical changes, and random things that are Ruled by chemistry. Chemistry has helped our world evolve an unbelievable amount. All because of chemistry: the water we drink is cleaner, the clothes we wear are softer, the cars we drive are safer, the food we eat is more healthy, the metals we build with are stronger, and we can explore Space! It is really astonishing to think every thing we see or touch is really made of atoms, which we can't even SEE!

My favorite use for chemistry today is definately in the human body. We can think, see, hear, and touch, all because some chemicals go off in our brains. We take for granted all the time that we have these awesome senses that help us accomplish monumental tasks. Our bodies are incredibly intricate and crazy. They can rebuild bones or patch our skin when damaged. Next time you feel something weird, reeeaalllllly think. why does this happen?? And your mind will begin to race.

I commented Kate, Ro and reiss

Just a few thoughts,
Nicholas Ramone

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Honors Chem experience

Honors Chem.... Its an intimidating statement.

Entering this year i'll admitt i was scared... but Mrs. V really helps us with the hard material.

The Positives

- Chairs

- Smart board

- chill music during tests

- fire!